Course curriculum

    1. Using Writing as a Strategy, Part 1

    2. Using Writing as a Strategy, Part 2

    3. Using Writing as a Strategy, Part 3

    4. Using Writing as a Strategy Quiz

    5. Discussion (Optional)

    1. Writing for Today's Readers, Part 1

    2. Writing for Today's Readers, Part 2

    3. Writing for Today's Readers, Part 3

    4. Writing for Today's Readers Quiz

    5. Discussion (Optional)

    1. Building and Sharing Respect, Part 1

    2. Building and Sharing Respect, Part 2

    3. Building and Sharing Respect, Part 3

    4. Building and Sharing Respect, Part 4

    5. Building and Sharing Respect, Part 5

    6. Building and Sharing Respect Quiz

    7. Discussion (Optional)

    1. Projecting and Inspiring Confidence, Part 1

    2. Projecting and Inspiring Confidence, Part 2

    3. Projecting and Inspiring Confidence, Part 3

    4. Projecting and Inspiring Confidence, Part 4

    5. Projecting and Inspiring Confidence Quiz

    6. Discussion (Optional)

    1. Building Team Belonging and Community, Part 1

    2. Building Team Belonging and Community, Part 2

    3. Building Team Belonging and Community Quiz

    4. Discussion (Optional)

About this course

  • $249.99
  • 38 lessons
  • 6 Units: Video/Practice/Quiz
  • 8 Hour Course
  • Certificate of Completion

What our Learners are saying...

5 star rating


Noel Johnson

On point targeting of relevant strategic writing that brings clarity and focus to what matters to the reader.

On point targeting of relevant strategic writing that brings clarity and focus to what matters to the reader.

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5 star rating

Very helpful!

Glenda Johnson

This course will give me the tools I need to write clearer and more concise documents to my team and the University community. I now have concrete tools for checking my writing and gaging the tone and structure of my documents.

This course will give me the tools I need to write clearer and more concise documents to my team and the University community. I now have concrete tools for checking my writing and gaging the tone and structure of my documents.

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  • Do I have to complete a course all at once?

    No. Each course can be paused and resumed anytime.

  • What are the courses like?

    Each self-directed High-Value Writing course includes an introductory welcome unit, 3-4 main units of core curriculum, and a wrap-up unit. Each unit contains videos explaining concepts, with examples on the screen to illustrate and apply learning. You'll watch videos and answer reflective questions in each unit.

  • Will I get any printable material to save from my course?

    Yes. While the courses are video-based and include reflection questions you'll take right here on the website, they also include two printable takeaways: A syllabus listing learning objectives and course description, and a Cheatsheet offering a one-page review of the course concepts.

  • What materials do I need to complete my course?

    All you need is an internet connection, the ability to watch videos and hear audio, and a place to take notes. Each course asks you to practice sentence revisions, so you'll want a place to jot down those notes.

  • How can I show my supervisor I completed a course?

    You will receive a certificate when you finish a High-Value Writing course. You will also receive a downloadable cheatsheet with the main points from the class. Each of these can be printed and shared.

  • Do the courses include opportunities to practice and apply concepts?

    Yes. Each course includes two types of practice opportunities: (1) reflection questions to check your understanding, and (2) revision opportunities to practice writing strategies.

  • Do I need the High-Value Writing book to take a course?

    No. The courses teach through videos, and all the materials you'll need for your course are included in the registration. However, some students like to read the book for extra support.

  • How did High-Value Writing create the curriculum for the HVW self-directed courses?

    Erin Lebacqz, High-Value Writing Founder, created the courses based on her experience in the field of Rhetoric and Professional Writing. Erin brings her 25 years in the classroom, experience helping writers around the world, and expertise in pedagogy (the study of teaching and learning) to the course design.

Your Instructor, Erin Lebacqz

Welcome! Writing can be used strategically, as a leadership and management tool. Join me to learn how strategic writing can help you build your team's success while meeting your own professionals goals at the same time.
Erin Lebacqz

Build trust, teamwork, and morale by writing with intention as a leader.

Jump Start Your Writing

Deepen your learning with the conversational, down-to-earth book of High-Value Writing strategies! Write clearly and concisely, and meet your own goals by meeting your readers' needs.
High-Value Writing Book